Friday, July 27, 2012

Feature on

Here is the video i made from chile and put it up with there chile feature enjoy.

Tahiti video on Video of the day for Gopro.

Gopro choose this video i made from tahiti on a Bodyglove shoot. To be the Video of the day! check it out.

This photo of me won Surfline Photo challenge of June

This Photo of me from HT'S in the Mentawais, won the Photo challenge contest from june on surfline. Check the pther photos at

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Gopro contest on

I ran a contest on for the chance of two viewers to win a Gopro Hero2 Camera. The contest gave the viewers to interact and ask questions or give tips about Gopro hero Cameras.I answered all questions and made a couple quick tips for Gopro users go to to watch them. Congrats to Ty Grande and Luke Roman.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Surf body soul

The guys at have hooked me up with a great program that incorporates Yoga, pilates for my individual surf conditioning. Program is helping me to strengthen my week areas. Helped me to win in Chile so you know it works! Go to the website check out the blog and get tips and order yourself a program today

Subscribe to my Youtube!

Keep updated get alerts to my Youtube videos.Go to . Here is a video i Uploaded from Tahiti. Thanks to Gopro and Body glove!

Invite to the Padang cup!


Finally got a win in a World Qualifying Event in Chile. Arica has sick waves they really suited my surfing. The final was sick came from behind needing a big combination on 18.35 and getting a 10 and a 9.45 after it was the best feeling! check video below for my edit!