Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Some footage from the last 12 months enjoy!

footage from the past year enjoy!

anthony walsh last 12months. from anthony walsh on Vimeo.

Couple mag shots.

Here is a couple mag shots of late enjoy.

Little clip from creativedestruction.tv

Anthony walsh secret tahitian island from anthony walsh on Vimeo.

Little clip from creativedestruction.tv. Watch the whole thing at http://www.creativedestruction.tv/chapter04 or http://magicseaweed.com/Dust-til-Dawn-Content/2866/ enjoy.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

bodyglove in santa cruz!

Hanging with the bodyglove crew in santa cruz check out a couple more shots on there blog at!

Friday, October 8, 2010


4 days at home! forecast was ment to be 4 foot onshore here is how it actually was! enjoy!

home 4th 5th oct. from anthony walsh on Vimeo.